Tuesday, December 11, 2007


as of today this is the boys new favorite thing
to climb to the tallest thing they can find
and jump on the couches.
what ever makes them happy.
and yes dax still hates wearing clothes and spends most of his days
in his spider man undies.


E-llo said...

What cute little farts! I can't believe Dax isn't freezing in just his undies. Those two are definitely boys, aren't they? They would fit right in over here. Send them over!

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

This picture is hilarious. I'm surprised he didn't land on Jace and squish him!

Mary and Ryan said...

Dallas would be all over that game!! I love the undie look, Dallas also prefers to go skins. I cant believe how big Jace is getting!!

jeannie said...

OH my looks like a good time but you know me I'm really worried about Jace's leg.... is it OK???? HA HA HA
Love those little squirts! I'm glad they are having a good time in the new place. Can't wait to come for a visit!

Kelly said...

How perfect that those two can entertain each other like that. Perfect game they can do for hours while you take it easy on the bed. I love you!! I haven't stopped smiling! Your in my thoughts and prayers. I love you! Love those two MONKEYS!!

Kim said...

That looks like fun. Lucy would be all over that! I'm surprised you haven't been to the emergency room a few times already with those two active boys.