Thursday, January 12, 2012

4 cookies

gave us a afternoon of treats and entertainment.
the boys loved trying to feed the birds,
gradys peices were as big as the birds head and jace threw a piece and ate a piece.

ive loved having my mom and grandma around, its fun watching how much we are alike.
what little things we pick up from eachother, and what things i want to have rub off on me more.


Mary and Ryan said...

3 generations of amazing women! I'm so glad u r getting quality time with them, lucky little boys to get all 3 of u. I want your mom to see u in action with the fighting goose:)

Lorie said...

How sweet is that pic of your mom and grandma! Awwwww...

Sarah said...

I love that they are here, a little jealous, but so glad! It will be so fun for them, you guys, and the boys. Can't wait to get to know them!

Jer and Cam said...

Your mom and grandma are so stinking cute! Love that you have them here and that your boys get to have some quality bonding time. Now how can I talk my parents into wintering here???