Sunday, January 01, 2012

32 and so much to do

having a birthday on a holiday is a good and bad thing,
the good thing here is I kinda get to celebrate for too straight days!
we decided to stay in scottsdale and the weather was perfect for laying by the pool

then we headed to white chocolate for a tasty dinner with the coarkiest server known to man,
ryan dose a pretty good imitation of him which kept us laughing

after we went to old town where they had blocked off the streats and cought a ride in a biker cart
mary did not like us comparing her to BIG PAPA seen here

and then it happend the

we danced and people watched, tryed to play bing bag games and finnaly mary came threw with tips of double socks and comfort all the while making it the

the next morning we chowed on the crappest breakfast buffet and snuck donuts out in our purses
then came home to spend the rest of my big day with my 4 favorite boys known to man!
thanks for the perfect bday guys i loved it all!
become a hard core cross fit girl
do better at talking on the phone
hike camel back
laugh more
do more service for others
join some sporting team


Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I've been doing crossfit for over a year now and I loooooove it but it kicks my butt every time!! Good luck! Can't wait to hear what you think!

Mary and Ryan said...

Happy Birthday!! The first of the year is the perfect birthday for you and it's not because it's a fun party day either. It is a perfect birthday for you because you are always living your life every day doing all of the things that everyone else makes for resolutions every year. Being kind, being thoughtful, doing things with your kids, building projects, making fabulous meals, looking fantastic, being a perfect wife and Mom. Its hard to believe every year you can think of things that you don't already do. Im so glad I got to celebrate with you and Im so glad you are my buddy. Love you Jamie Elizabeth Clark Heaps:)

Lorie said...

Hey, birthday girl...there is no one more perfect to have a bday celebration around new years. You are FUN in a bottle! I always like reading your resolutions...dying to hear how the crossfit experience is going?! If I know you, 2012 will be FAB!

Paige said...

Happy Birthday! You and Mary look Beautiful! Happy New Year!

Kim said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! So glad you had a great one. I have great memories at that resort!! You trying to sneak into the business parties, ordering margeritas by the pool. THat would be my pick for my birthday too! Cross Fit...I'd like to give that a whirl myself. Jason has been and could hardly walk the next day. I know that is where it is at! And I am glad you are going to get on a sports team. It is defintaely time! If you need me to send out your athetic resume let me know. (I was always your biggest fan!) You would be getting recruited imediately!!! 32 is a GREAT YEAR! Live it up! xoxo

jeannie said...

What a fun way to celebrate! Happy Birthday to one of the funnest people I know and I LOVE!!Can't wait to see you soon and pinch those birthday buns!

Jena said...

you sure know how to celebrate! looks like it was one sweet birthday. 32 is way cooler than 31. Happy happy birthday!

Jer and Cam said...

So glad you got the works for your bday! I wish I could have been here to give you your bday spanks but that day is coming and I can't wait! Happy Birthday you young thing!!! Love your eyes in that pic of you and Matt by the way:)

Kelly said...

Happy birthday.. Happy new year in that order!!
Looks Like you celebrated in Style!! Looks sO fun! We know you 4 never lack for fun!! I have a lil treat I just need to get to the freak'n post office. It's coming!!
I love you!
Your hair in your fam pic is sooo long! What's the secret to that??