Sunday, December 25, 2011

christmas eve 2011

we started the day with breaky at pancake house
matt got his huge german pancake and they boys devoured it

we shopped a bit then home for a puzzel matt and jace would not give up till it was finished

latter that night we had the smiths over for dinner a mean game of bingo fireworks and luke 2

the night seemed perfect 
 and after everyone had gone to sleep me and matt exchanged our gifts
my favorite thing my fancy schmancy makeup set that has everycolor known!


Gwen said...

We thought about you on Christmas Eve. So glad you had the breakfast, the cute blingie necklace, fireworks, friends, good food and even Luke 2. We love the Heaps at Christmas time especially. Good to talk with you and we can't wait to see you!

Mary and Ryan said...

You guys did Christmas eve right. Im so glad you found the pancake house, it totally lessens the blow of the vegas one closing! I love that in true Heaps boys fashion your boys did fireworks barefoot(is there any other way to do it really?)

Sarah said...

Friends and fireworks! That sounds like an awsome Christmas eve! I love that picture of you and Camie. And I cant wait to see all those pretty makeup colors on you.

Jer and Cam said...

How did we get so lucky to spend Christmas Eve with you guys??? So much fun! Loved the meat (did I mention how good this meat is?) Loved my personal potatoes, the extra rolls, the sparkling cider showdown, the bingo prizes for moi, the fabulous fireworks, Dax loving my follow up to Luke 2, and Jake stealing the magic of the Elf. But mostly loved hangin with you guys! Thanks for a magnificent night!! You make Christmas Eve so magical!