Tuesday, March 01, 2011

uncle bret put together quite the turney

who could name the mvp and the final score of the all star game?
all the cousins and aunt and uncles got to put there choices in and guess who the big winner was
yep you guessed it JACE.
watch out legos i have a feeling were gunna be making a purchase
thanks bert we love you


Lorie said...

That is AWESOME!!! Legos have really been a hit around this house too lately. You should take that lucky kid to Vegas!

Mary and Ryan said...

Jace you stud you....you know what you could do with that ten, put it in that magic scratcher machine and win big(but then your dad might give you the "tax the stupid" lecture, so leggos might be the best call:) Such a cool idea to have that contest, good work uncle Bret!

Jer and Cam said...

Jace when you got it, you got it and those winning genes of your mom have been successfully passed onto you! That and a solid knowledge of the game of course secured your win. Congrats! I think your winnings might be better spent on a lunch date at chick-fil-a with the smittys though....

jeannie said...

sweet Jacers- I always knew you were a genius!!

Kim said...

Way to go Jace. Max was sure holding his breath for a low scoring game. Maybe you should give your mom a five spot for some cadburry eggs. Love you!

Gwen said...

I love it! I love that the legos are in your mind. Way to go Jace. Thank you Bret for he fun! I loved talking to you 10 times that night. Jamie you are in Vegas and I can't stop thinking of you. Hope your ears are good. Hope you get to see Kelly. I am waiting for all the details! I can't wait for Chicago!