Monday, March 28, 2011


has caused some serouse stress on this family!
its the class pet that gets to go home with each student and spend a week with the family.
its not as much fun as it sounds, dax thought EVERYTHING we did had to inculed the stuffed animal, and all three boys wanted to have there hands on it at all times.
needless to say we survived and opi made it back to class intact!


Lorie said...

With as much as you are on the go, I bet Opi was happy to be back. He probably needs to rest up before he goes home with the next kid! Maybe you guys need a dog?! One thing is for sure, I am sure Opi had a good time with the Heaps!

Kelly said...

Oh WOW... You planning on buying some CHEAP CHRISTIAN SHOES anytime soon?

Dax You look so grown up and handsome in your uniform. I wish I could come watch you play. Then take you out for ice cream!

Happy to hear your lil' opi could make it back to school in one piece. I don't think the teacher always think through sending one thing home to a family..? It's rough on the Mom hainv to be on patrol and always putting out fights over a stupid lil opi.. Well sounds like you mastered the task like only the heaps could. I love you all!

Kim said...

Anyone that know the Heaps should know that they should always send home things in 3's. It would have been destroyed here. You know how much I love that kid! He is my FAVORITE!!!! Tell him that for me. xoxo

Mary and Ryan said...

That Opi is one lucky pet to get a whole week with the Heaps! If only Opi had a blog to document the best week ever on:)

jeanbean said...

Don't you just love these little projects that get sent home! Too bad our Flat Stanley wasn't there still they could have a party!
Dax you are one HANDSOME little baseball player!

Jer and Cam said...

Robots and Opis man alive Dax's teacher is pushing these first graders to excel like no other. Glad to hear you survived...might be nice if they could send 3 opis next time, eh? But then again, ITS MORE FUN TO SHARE!!

Unknown said...

Hey do u know a Christian shoe lady? I need some shoes prompto:). I bet poi had a blast at ur house even though u went CRAZY!!