Monday, March 14, 2011

day 1 of spring break...

i finally took down all my valentines decorations, we grubbed at chickfla
and saw the movie yogi bear.
to end the day we went on a worm hunt diggin holes in the backyard
 only to end up being pretty dissapointed that we couldnt even find one.
we need the lizards to come out!


Heath Thompson said...

Those are some LUCKY boys! That day sounds oh sooo good.. UNTIL the worm hunting. It sounded fun just not fun to get Germy. Love the pic of your boys. They all looks so grown up. Enjoy that warm sunshine for me. I am counting down the minutes and seconds. Get those bags packed~!

Heath Thompson said...

Opps that was from kelly
love ya

Mary and Ryan said...

That pic makes me want a third boy for my family! Such handsome little worm hunters, we have been on a few worm hunts and always come up empty handed too, those suckers know howcto hide! Can't wait to see u guys soon!!

Lorie said...

Sounds like you guys had a good first day of break! I am not surprised though. :)

gabi said...

beutiful family *-*

Sarah said...

So glad the movie was a hit and you cant beat chick fil a! Bummer on the worms - we have the most success after a rain.

Jer and Cam said...

Movies are my favorite! So bummed I missed this day! You better have loaded up on that buttery stuff for me. And tell the truth how did the boys do? Cuz I can't wait for summer movies, countin down already!

Jer and Cam said...

PS - We found 4 lizards, a million snails, a dozen stink bugs and one lady bug at my parents. How could I have not documented that? Forget the worms, next time you're coming with us to SD!