Thursday, March 10, 2011

a bday lunch for camie

means alot of things..
yummy food, fun friends, alot of stress, small sizes, lots of love, and way to much effort in trying to  
distract us from our tradtion of the bday toast
she makes everything better, and everyone cant get enough of her.
we topped it off with some victorouse short shoppin and the lipstick game.
happy bday girl...
now you can breath a little easier.


Kim said...

Thats a group! I can't wait for you to put a little lipstick on me.

Mary and Ryan said...

Oh Cami Cami!! Happy Birthday!! I just love Cami, always so happy, kind, genuine and caring. I hope she has the best bday ever!!Love the lipstick game, you are rocking that shade of red like no other Jamie:)

Paige said...

That Cam salt of the earth I tell ya...even if you did have to call her out on the ugly shoes she almost purchased....Come on Camie haven't I taught you anything :) Happy Birthday!

jamie heaps said...

it was kari who liked the ugly shoes...
dont you worrie paige camie has obvously been taking notes while your shoes expertise has been shared:)

Paige said...

oh hahaha! It's all making sense now :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Cami! Looks like so much fun, so sad I missed it.:) Jamie I love the lipstick game, I need some pointers on lipstick shades for moi!:)

Jer and Cam said...

Let's just speak to the pictures first...that group one is awesome. That waiter did a superb job(I had serious doubts when he thought u were asking him to be in the pic instead of taking it:)

That one of me must be burned.

And the do invent the BEST games. But my puckering skills, poor Jer! No wonder he hit Vegas. That's maybe where I could use the pointers cuz we know my shoes are never in question;)

Thanks for putting up with my over thinking and for the miracle jeans. And I happen to I think that necklace looks perfect with that shirt! I LOVE IT!!

I must be the luckiest birthday girl alive to get to hang out with such sweet people. The day was perfect;)! xoxo