Tuesday, February 22, 2011

pres day

we headed to gilbert to hang with the t-horneys,
of course we hit lunch at the tastiest sandwich place and actually ran into will ferrow..
some how didnt get his autograph, damn.
then we headed to the park where we played for 3 hours

after all the diggin and running and sliding and swinging we still had to drag the kids out

of course we got a photo of the flag in big celebration of the holiday,
wich did not make the passing walker happy at all, i mean i quess we did slow her heart rate down a tad for the 2 sec it took to push the botton, hope she did an extra jumping jack to make up for it.


Kim said...

You should not be allowed to post pictures of the park on a beautiful day, when still have the winter blues here. That sand playing looks like so much fun. Those Heaps kids were meant to live in sunny AZ. Jayne doesn't see the outside of the house to often. We miss you.
P.S. I totally know how miss exercise feels. When we are feeling it don't interupt us.

Mary and Ryan said...

I hope your poor back has healed from the hard hard things that you did to make it so soar:) and next time I really am going to bring a whole candy shop and then say to the other parents... "Im sorry, I know it's here and unattended but don't touch". It was such a beautiful day, a little slice of heaven, even with Ryan's black eye:)

Jer and Cam said...

So glad all of those boys got to spend an entire day together! You gotta take advantage of those holidays! I am lovin you in those skinnys...lookin good, lookin fine!

Gwen said...

When I see Mary holding her big, little guy I love her.She is such a true friend. I am glad you have her. I love the boys and the sand and your free spirits. Jamie do you have a recipe for our Chicago book? It is going to be here soon! I can't wait! Love ya!

Lorie said...

The last shot is my fave! Very presidential holiday(ish)!

Kelly said...

oh it looks like my kind of day! I could go for some green grass, warm weather, flip flops and a afternoon at the park. I'm glad you worked in a pic even if the walker didnt like stopping for you. Counting down the day s till I are playing together!