Thursday, February 10, 2011

the big LOVE DAY, its gettin close

so today me and some of the girls crafted up this buet..


Mary and Ryan said...

so so so so so cute! You will have to tell me how to make that bad boy!! Im so excited for Love day!!

Jer and Cam said...

The lovefest is know, the only thing that would have made these hearts better is if we would have stuffed them:) You are the cutter extrordinaire, those hearts were packed with Jamie love. Thanks for thinking it up and makin the magic happen. My big mouth loves you.

Gwen said...

One week out of the loop and it seems I have missed a month of you crazy life. I LOVE the picture of Gardy with the ice cream nose!!! I miss you, I need to hear your voice.

Lorie said...

Oh, if I could just have your crafty side!

Sarah said...

I knew when I heard craft day and Valentines just around the corner you would think up something fabulous!