Sunday, December 19, 2010

delivering the xmas goods

this year was a serouse brawl and race to see who would get there first and who got to carry them!
grady ended up bawling at 90% of the house.

all and all we got most of them out and we all survived!


Lorie said...

Hey you...thanks for the goodies!!! I am sorry I missed you though & those cute delivery boys. My kids dove right into them after dinner. :)
You are so thoughtful to think of us! Have a great holiday!!!

Mary and Ryan said...

Cute goodies and cute delivery crew. I'll bet you are so wishing you got the extra little something special to see that our delivery crews got today:);)

Jer and Cam said...

Ooooh lala - likin that one arm PERFECT pic of all 5 of you. it has to be the handy work of a: your incredible arm stretching abils and, b:a very fancy free camera. I am impressed. your goodies were so sweet & so festive just like you!

Gwen said...

Delivering Christmas is a big deal, and it is hard to have shorter legs! Grady needs a head start. Wish I could open my door and see the blessed Heaps family standing there! The family picture is looking Awesome! Your eye lashes are still growing. Wow! I am spending a wheelbarrow of Christmas Love to You!