Tuesday, November 09, 2010

grady loves corn

and now that the kid is potty trained and im not changing corn poo's



Lorie said...

WOO HOO!!! No diapers!!! You really should start a business potty training...you are a pro!!! There's nothing better than little ones eating corn...always makes for a good pic!!!

nikki said...

That's nasty.

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

You are lucky! Corn poo is the worst. I can't believe you are all done with diapers you lucky duck.

Kelly said...

Nice... Im so happy you are DONE with Diapers. What a HUGE task! I love that pic of Grady. His eyes are so big blue and beautiful!

Kim said...

Are you seriously done potty training? What an acomplishment! I am dreading #5. Use the extra diaper money on something extra fun. I love Grady's blue eyes. He is such a mix of you and Matt. One more week baby!

Mary and Ryan said...

G-man you are the ultimate stud, and I love you and your corn poo:)xoxoxo

Jer and Cam said...

This kid amazed me at the speed he potty trained and look how he inspired Ava! I will say that I'm glad he is using his new found freedom to do some streaking at Arbys. Some things are just easier to do without diapers.