Thursday, October 07, 2010

i did hair this morning

and my house tottaly felt it.
popcorn crushed every where, every treat in the house eating as bribes, blakets and pillows pilled up for soft landings as the superheros fly, wet clothes scatered, the hose left on, and boys only wearing undies runnin like wild indians.
at least the hair tunned out fab!


Paige said...

Yeah just a small price to pay for fab hair! (on the receiving end anyway)

Mary and Ryan said...

the bigger the mess the bigger the PARTAY:)

nikki said...

Your house is such a partay!! I appreciate being on the receiving end of such fab hair. My apologies to your house.

jeannie said...

Oh I wish I was on that receiving end SO SO SO SO SO bad. It's almost worth a flight to Phoenix for the day maybe if I did that you could throw in a back tickle and pedi??

I bet there were some popsicles involved!

Dezra Marshall said...

that is what my house looks like every saturday when Matt "watches" levi while I do hair! LOL