Thursday, August 26, 2010

nothing good comes from sluffing

is what my mom told me...

me and dax tested the therory

i snuck him out a little early to get some good playing time in with dallas, about 30 minuets into lunch i hear a deathly cry only to find the cutest little hand all crushed and bloody.


after spending the afternoon in the er we found out the kid decleated his nails from there beds? and fractured both finger tips... he was a brave stud and the whole time he was mostsly concered if dallas was gunna be gone by the time we got back...



the too of them got some serouse buddie hugs and playing in

and me and mary got to finish up our
"lifes a party" theme with some new dews and i think she looks gorgouse


and grady and mary got some MAJOR bonding time in while we were at the er

(he said bullshit 3 times to her dont know where he learned it)


and our conclusion...

sluffing is tottaly worth it


jeannie said...

bullshit - that did not just happen today! Poor Daxy!
and Bullshit- Mary did not just get that adorable hair cut from you today!
and bullshit - sluffing is totally awesome especially if it's time with the t-horney's!!

ps - I'm so bullshitting mad that I can't get a Jamie doooooo right now!! I'm in major need!

Trisha said...

HOLY CRAP! That poor little hand, what a tough kid. and I LOVE the mary cute!!!! What I would give for a Jamie cut right now!

Kelly said...

You FORGOT to fill me in on this part of your day. You are such a good friend being only concerned about my cheese. I am soo sorry Dax. That really STINKS! So does that mean Dax gets to miss school today (fri) to make up for lost playing time yesterday? I can't believe he is so big. What kind of this do they do for those cute finger tips? OUCH! Mary's hair looks so Cute. Everyone is soo wanting you to do new fall hair-do's. It must feel good to be so needed and wanted! I Can't believe Grady would ever repeat his Mom's favortite one liner! Funny! Good Luck recovering Dax. Loved talking to you Jamus. Have a great weekend!

Mary and Ryan said...

Jean I am loving your comment, something about the word bullshit just brightened my day! and I woke up this morning feeling so happy and light with my new do...D came in and wanted to check if I was still Lois Lane:) I hope Dax's fingers are ok, I can't believe how brave he was and how sick I felt about how much pain he was in...and my afternoon bonding with G-money and Jazelle was priceless :)

Lorie said...

Whoa...that was day! I hope he is feeling better today, and on his way to recovery. :) Seriously, LOVE the hair do's, it's no wonder you were in the mag! Oh, that Grady! Too funny! I agree too, it's always worth getting out of school early!!!

Paige said...

Stop it right now!! That breaks my heart but loved hearing about how brave he was. I am NOT surprised though.

And that Mary is GORGEOUS as always lovin that cut!

Jaime Stephens said...

You are hillarious and such a cool mom.. I love that you pulled him out of school to play thats awesome. Ouch he is so tough! I also love that he was just worried about his friend still being there... Got to love boys... Love your friends new cut she's beautiful.. I am groing out my hair for the 1st time in forever and it really makes me want to cut it...

Kim said...

Hey Dax,
I am sorry you smashed your fingers. This is Lucy talking to you. I am jsut saying Sorry! I wonder if you feel better when I am writing this letter to you. I really love you Dax! I miss you! Do you wanna go to the hot tub with me? Sorry about your owie fingers.
Love lucy. (I typed my name all by myself.)

Kim said...

That poor little guy. My fingers are hurting just looking at them. I hope he is getting some good tender loving care. Lucy is so concerned about him. I wish I could tell you how much she loves him. When she saw the picture of you and Mary she said.."Which one is Jamie?" I love Mary's hair! You both look like babes! Brooke told me that the new fall dew is bed head. Just wake up mess it up a little and go. I think I am going to give it a whirl. Give my Daxy a kiss from me. Love you1

Sarah said...

I can hardly look at that picture - Poor Dax what a tough kid! I hope his hand heals real soon.

And I love Mary's hair!!

Gwen said...

Dax, I have thought about your hurt fingers a hundred times. So sorry. You are brave! Wish I could kiss them better, very softly. Keep me informed on what the doctor says. Mary's hair is darling. If you two keep spending time together you will soon look like twins. I always wanted twins.