Thursday, August 19, 2010

i now have

an hour and half where the house is silent
with dax and jace both at school
and grady doing this



jen jen said...

o i love that kid! he is so dang cute!

Kelly said...

Oh wow... Heavenly! I would love to be a fly on the wall to see what you do in that amount of time!

Lorie said...

WOO HOO!!! I love the quiet me time!!! I'm sure you are taking full advantage of it. :)

Mary and Ryan said...

Oh my is that a precious picture of Gman! I can only imagine the party that is going on during this precious time:)I want a pic of whatever is going on:)

Kim said...

Fill us in. I have a feeling that it includes a little nap time with you too. Maybe some jewlery creating of some sort, your whirl wind cleaning, and some yummy dinner preparation. Enjoy! I love him!

jeannie said...

I can just picture you hanging shelves or ceiling fans, painting something, maybe sneaking in a spoonful of melted chocolate chips but most of all I think you should be sitting on the couch and calling me :) miss u!

Trisha said...

The next post needs to be what you do in that hour and a half! I know that all the kids are napping or at school time for me is PRECIOUS!

Paige said...

Oh that couple of hours is heaven...especially when it involves you doing my hair!

Jer and Cam said...

could squeeze him! he planted a big one on me today in nursery love him!