Thursday, January 14, 2010

the more the merrier



Kelly said...

How cute is that! What fun times!I love them! Nothing like knocking it out in one fell swoop!
3 Clean Monkeys! yummers!

jeannie said...

That's awesome!

Mary and Ryan said...

Oh my are they cute! One question though...did you let Grady have the razor so he could do his special pretend shaving? I need to throw big D in the shower, he needs a rinse after his day of fun over there:)

Paige said...

Love that pic! Is it with your huhummm new fancy camera?

nikki said...

Nothing better than getting 3 dirty monkeys clean all at once. I miss those days - big Jake is now old enough to need privacy.

Kim said...

What a cute shot. Next time could you get one with Matt in there too?

Lorie said...

Rub a dub dub...I say! Looks like the boys are having a fab time getting clean! :) GREAT PIC!

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...


Prime Time Real Estate said...

Child Porn - Shame on you!

Unknown said...

So cute! Do they actually get clean like that?

jenny said...

you must have risked life & limb to get that photo! so cute!!

Trisha said...

the more the merrier is RIGHT! That looks like a party!

Gwen said...

Jamie where are you standing? Cute boys, with their privates hidden.