Wednesday, December 23, 2009

havent started yet

shopping that is.

and ya were cutting it pretty close, tonight we've got to get a sitter and hit it hard

wish us luck


Paige said...

yeah, good luck with that one. Just kidding I am sure you will find everything their little hearts desire!

Trisha said...

Oh My! Jamie, good good luck. Knowing you it will be DONE in an hour :)

Mary and Ryan said...

Oh no luck needed my dear, I know you guys will whip it out like champs...that came out a little wrong. I know you guys will be done in a jiffy with quality quality goods...make sure santa brings you the raincoat and back back that Dallas has been telling the elves you wanted:)

Jer and Cam said...

I assume you're done shopping for Matt, cause if not, you missed your golden opportunity yesterday to buy him a few of those numbers from Fashion Bug - hubba hubba.

U also shouldve brought your kids to me today and hit it early! There's still time...

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

This is the first year I finished shopping early. I can't handle the good luck with that! :) Have a Merry Christmas. Sad I won't see you!! Happy 30th in a few days too! Looks like your friends took good care of you!! I can't believe we are almost out of our 20's!!! Happy Holidays!!

Kelly said...

You wont need any Luck... I know you and your Shopping skills! Just make sure you work in a Yummy Dinner before hand and you'll be GOOD TO GO!
Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

hope the shopping went well!

jeannie said...

Merry Christmas Heapsters! I love and miss ya!