Monday, May 18, 2009

matt turns 33

today is the actually day Matt turns the big 33
but since hes traveling we did the big celebrating
last weekend.
we did dinner at zurmont and walked around midway.
this is a pic i took early this morning before he headed out
doesn't he look handsome?!!!
some of the things I'm loving about him right now
he's lawn mowing skills, and doing it just right
he always smells so good
teaching the boys how to hit a baseball just right
how his new shades looks oh so good.
holding his strong hand
he's loud laugh
tell us what you love about him


Kim said...

Happy Birthday Big Matt! I hope your aunt makes you a mean cake! I love Matt's business skills. You know you are in good hands with him because he is always on top of everything. He is always working a deal, crunching numbers, making plans for the future, and knows everything about anything! He is always on his A game. We know hiw 401K is evaluated nightly, He has all of his boys college funds in place, and he knows every cent Jamie spent last week. I wish that could rub off on me a little more. He is a great Dad and teaches his boys to be tough. He will have them all in some professional sport. And he is a perfect Match for you Jamie. Happy Birthday Matt!

Gwen said...

Matt I loved the month you stayed with us in Wallsburg when you moved back from Tucson. I learned how excited your whole family got when you came home. I loved watching Jamie watch out the window for you. The boys wanted all your attention to wrestle. You were always ready to eat at any time. You always, always, said thank you and you loved what ever in the heck we were eating. Our lawn has never looked so good as when you did it for us every week. The garage door started working again, we had fun movies to watch, and great snacks. . . oh so much fun. But for me the very best part was watching your boys, after brushing their teeth and checking for sweet breath and good night kisses, fall asleep on your chest. Those are the best of times and you are the best of the Dads anywhere!!!! Lucky boys! Jamie thinks you are the most. . . most . . .most handsome of anybody and we do too! We love everything about you. Happy Birthday!!!

Trisha said...

happy birthday Matt! And Jamie can I just say you look FABULOUS in that pic...seriously the birthday boy is lucky to have you by his side!!

Mary and Ryan said...

Oh many things to love. I love the top 5 funny movies that are always exciting to tell. I love the lazy eye joke that never gets old. I love how the 2 of you singlehandedly keep outback in buisness. I love how whenever Matt puts his foot in his mouth he never backs down. Most people walk away with their tail between their legs after a comment that goes wrong....not Matt, he keeps going full steam ahead and I LOVE it. I love how he almost went to blows with that guy at your garage sale who wanted to give him 5 dollars for a bike that he had listed at 10 dollars. I love the "there is a big difference between being in THE band, and being in A band" comment. Gotta love his determination, and his dedication, what a great dad and husband he is, and how picky he is at coldstone with his toppings. Happy Birthday Matt, the T-horneys love you!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday! You both look Slammen... Hope you had a Great night! Matt you sure Lucked out getting Jamie... Jamie you landed one hot Mack Daddy! You two are sooo Perfect! Matt the Thompsons LOVE YOU! You are in a million!

jeannie said...

Happy bday Mattie! You know we love lots of things about Matt: his awesome jokes that he tells over and over, hearing about his top 5 movies over and over, his grunts when he likes what he is eating, his lectures about the economy on our road trip, his mad rockband skills and how he can talk us into almost anything (like buying rockband :)), and mostly just all the good times we have gotten to spend with him and you too! OK what I don't like about him: that he is moving you guys away from me again for that he is a turd-burger but we still love him! happy birthday!!