Tuesday, May 12, 2009

im so excited!!!

now that I can crawl, life seems so much better!!!
like tonight we got olive garden an headed to a park
for a picnic i could go from bread sticks to soda
to wood chips, to grass all with ease.


Kim said...

Going from breadsticks to a drink is sounding pretty good to me too about now. You are ADORABLE Grady. Just wait until you don't have any more owies in your ears- then life will be Top Notch!

Mary and Ryan said...

He looks so incredibly cute and so happy! In no time he is going to be running right along side his 2 big bro's, think how happy he will be then!!!

Kelly said...

Oh if I could only get my hands on that lil kid! I miss him! What a Happy day... breadsticks, drink and the park. I doesn't get any better than that!
I love you grady boy... stop growing up so darn fast! Aunt Kelly LOVES YOU!

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

Way cute pictures of Grady! And let me just say your family picture on mothers day cracks me up. Love everyones hair!:) I can't believe you have been married 9 years...that is crazy. You look so cute and skinny with that flowing long hair!! Oh and thanks for the cute things you said about my mom. We had some good times together back in the day didn't we. Let's get together before you leave?!

jeannie said...

I love that SMILE!!! Jamie do you need help with boys this week??