Tuesday, April 14, 2009

easter activitys

wake up call
hurry downstairs to see if the bunny came...
grab as much as you can
as fast as you can
the die job & the proud makers
the finished product
a sneaky taste
a quick shoot before church
all ready and handsome
finish up the day up in wallsburg
with cup cakes and birthday songs
and of course balloons and grandpa loves.


Mary and Ryan said...

Oh man! Look at all that candy. I'll bet your boys were loving the easter bunny for that! Im impressed with the eggs, beauties, beauties. Did Matt throw out the "how do you like your eggs....fertalized?" joke. Ryan thinks that one is hysterical.

jeannie said...

What I haven't heard that joke...Matt is holding out I guess.
Happy Easter looks like you have some fun festivities!

Kim said...

Boys, according to your uncle Bret I could gather candy faster than any!!! If you snooze you lose! Next year lets put it to the test. Looks like you all made a haul. Happy Easter!

Kelly said...

Looks like a good day! Love how Jace is not a fan of the early morning wake up call. Grady looks as happy as can be holding that egg and on Grandpas Lap. Can't wait to Munch on him! I hope he likes me!
Kim I beg to differ... I think me and Jamie could give you alittle compition... it all comes down to what we are gathering... jelly beans or Chocolate eggs...!
Can't WAIT! I'm afraid I am not going to be able to sleep tonight! Could you get here all ready?