Monday, March 23, 2009

a little nepolian

it was late we were already in our pjs
and the last thing i wanted to do was find
outfits for us all
& dax's particular socks and shoes
matt was could not believe we would be seen in public
good thing he sat home with grady
so he didn't have to be seen with us.
but heck we were going to the dollar store


Mary and Ryan said...

I love it!! You guys look awesome in your boots and coats! I'll bet the trip to the dollar store was way more fun in your PJ's! Everything is more fun in PJ's, next time I dare you to all go in your know you want to:)

M to the E to the R to the I said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who appears in public like that.

Rachel said...

you are absolutely darling!

Trisha said...

I really like the getups. And I LOVE that Dax is all bundled up, yet still in his SHORTS, love that kid. Thanks again for a lot of fun chatting, yummy cafe rio lunch and the FAB haircut. You are the greatest!!

E-llo said...

You looked dressed up to me! Nothing is more fun that going somewhere in your PJs. I bet the kids loved it even more!

Kelly said...

Style-ISH!! What a Happy night... nothing better than PJ's and Dollar store. Wish I could have meet you for a little shopping. did you find any fun treasures?

Lesley said...

That totally reminds me of some of the stuff we would wear to Reams for pick-a-mix candy night! So funny. Remember your white tennis shoes that you glued striped platform flip flops on the bottom of? Those were the best!

Kim said...

Love it! You should see me in the morning when I take my kids to school and actually most of the day. I'm glad Dax would wear those boots. What a cute mom you are! What were you getting at the dollar store? I'm sure you were getting hit on my some of the customers.