Sunday, March 08, 2009

a chinesse birthday

HAYDEN turned 9 so to celebrate the
big day
jean & kyle made the tastiest chinesse food.
they had been holding back on us cuz this was
the first time we had ever had their chinesse and now
were hopeing there will be more to come.
grady found his happy place the kid sat for like a good 30-40 minuets
what a fun night it was.
happy birthday hayden we think your a stud!!


Mary and Ryan said...

Those Olsens have been holding out....Chinese....?? That looks yummy! I like the picture where Hayden is looking at Grady, very cute. What an awesome kid. Glad ya'll celebrated big:)

Trisha said...

Hayden is a stud! Looks fun and YUM!

E-llo said...

Now I want some Olsen chinese food! That have all sorts of tricks! Looks like a fun party. Hayden is such a cool kid.

jeannie said...

I'm telling ya Kyle is trying to WOO Matt! My fav was Grady sitting there with Kyle...seriously I've never seen the little tyke so content. Kyle is just a snuggly teddy bear :)

Kim said...

I could go for some of that chinese right now. Somehow you always eat good when your with the Olsons. Learn the goods!