Thursday, January 03, 2008

vegas suprise

so yes it was a GREAT gift Matt gave to me
I think just a change of scenery when I'm prego works
we eat slept, shopped and eat. and to top it off the cougs won. thanks Matt
i loved it


Trisha said...

FUN! And we had SO much fun with you guys the other night...but pooh, we forgot to take any pics for the blogs! Ahh, next time I guess!!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad you had a good time and that those Cougs pulled off a VICTORY! You look adorable! How's the Tummy? Call me after your Dr. appt. I think you said it was coming up soon. I can't wait to hear the details!

jeannie said...

Very cute Vegas Pics and I'm sure it was fun cuz well - whatever you do is fun right??? Looks like Matt and Devan are turning into hippies...... HA HA HA HA pEACe! (seriously though it looks good)

Lesley said...

My heart wanted to sing when I read your WADALAHA! It brings back so many memories! I am still in St. George. I teach fourth grade and today all I want to do is write to you, my long lost friend! I miss our crazy times. What happened to Kellie? Where did she go? I read her blog and it said that she is gone for a while. What's up? Anyway, write me and tell me your email so I don't have to post all this catching up on your blog. Later. Lesley

Mary and Ryan said...

Looks like so much fun!!You guys are always up and at it, and always having a blast. I like the long hair on Matt!!

E-llo said...

Looks like a trip the doctor ordered! You look great! Looks like a fun trip, but you guys make everything fun!