Monday, January 14, 2008

a little at a time

since the pregnancy the projects have slowed down due to
nausea and extra need of sleep.
So Matt decided to take matters into his own hands....
new flooring just finished today
I'm sad to say i don't have a before pic. but imagine old yellowy oak
beat to HELL. and you'll pretty much get it.
we only had a few battle wounds split fore head and broken blood vessels
just another thing to add to the list of my mans SUPPERNESS!
oh and yes we still have all the molding to go dont be worried


Ashlee said...

The floors look amazing! I can't believe MAtt put those in, very impressive.

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

I'm very impressed Matt! I love the color!

E-llo said...

Those are gorgeous floors! Way to go, Matt! I like the dark wood floors. Good choice!

Kim said...

Wow, looks awesome! I bet it is nice to have it all done so Dax and Jace can get back to the running wild.

Mary and Ryan said...

Matt is a handy, handy man!! Looks great!! I love wood floors!!

Trisha said...

They look amazing! I am thinking more and more these days that I want to put wood floors in my kitchen! Hmmm...we may be calling for some good advice!

Nicole said...

Your floor looks great Jamie. I love the color you picked. And I
bet it feels so nice to have it done! I hope you are feeling better soon!


Lesley said...

Jame-The floors look awesome! Matt has some mad skills!

jeannie said...

Those floors are fabulous can I lick them?? Way to go Matt!