Wednesday, May 22, 2013


LGO in the airport, starting the series breaking bad, hitting the store late at night for the "essencencals", pedicures with the boys, tasty pizza, rat sassage, stack em high pancakes owner and his phone, hot tubbing for hrs on end, 6 deer in the yard, the long beach walk/run, finnaly finding a mexican resturant for cinco de myo, ryans fancy new dance moves shown in every detail, jummping jacks, girls winning the baseball game, birds birds and more birds, matt opening the door for the LAIDIES, ill make you pancakes slick move, finnaly finding a backery and matt finding buckets of sea food, fu man chew, drving the golf cart, and talking w an axcent a full day.

1 comment:

Mary and Ryan said...

It is a good thing the wolf pack went and saved the birdie from all the birds! Hahaha, who knew what the switch to diet coke could do for Ryan! How funny how embarrased he was to order it!! I'm still sad about fu man chu, he was a good pet, too bad I cracked his ribs and Matt cracked his skull:( loved spending a week with my favorite people, can't wait till next time!xoxo