Tuesday, April 30, 2013


to keep up with posting on my blog cuz truthfull it is my favorite thing to look back & have all the memories put down!  SO HERE WE GO
the boys got glasses, they were so fun to watch  both trying to pick out the PERFECT PAIR!
and if you ask me i think they look darling in them!

gman got to have pirate day at school and the kid was pumped, only thing he was nervous about.. having his bandana SMOOTH ON HIS HEAD!! he did not want to look like a chef!

me and matt have been on some fun date nights just the 2 of us, which i have loved!

finally documented a girls outing..
loved this lunch!

grady finnaly got a cap gun and he thought it was the best thing ever!

the pine wood derbey happened and it was my first real MAMA BEAR experince..
wow people can be retarted...

and we finallay finish the boys room.
thx brit for the sweet bed, they all fight over whos gunna sleep in it each night!


Mary and Ryan said...

Instagram messes with our blog posing huh?! I love all these pics. I love the boys in their glasses,they look super handsome and big D is so happy his 2 best friends are in the glasses club too now! Love G-man pirate and the new room is awesome! I wish my boys wanted to be in the same room!

Lorie said...

Way to play catch up! I was getting worried, and maybe annoyed, that no postings were happening! Thank goodness for instagram! :) So funny, but I didn't know it was Grady that was the pirate! I thought it was Jace!!! Goes to show how much those 2 look alike! Fingers crossed you stay on task now and blog, blog, blog!

Mary and Ryan said...

Ps I need to hear full details of the mama bear experience in 3 days!!!:))