Sunday, March 17, 2013

dr suess week

was last week which ment i got to go in school and eat lunch with the boys.
it was so fun to see there buddys and cute room.
 jace and halyeee and hanna smile and giggle with each other the whole time..
dax on the other hand was too cool to let me take a pic, but boy did he love his mcdonalds and mom time ;)


Lorie said...

Look at Jace with the ladies! I think Dr. Seuss is a chick magnet!

Gwen said...

Dad and I are sitting looking through all your pictures, the boys look bigger just since we left. We sure loved being with you! Wish we could attend some more of the boys games. It has been warm here and it feel so good. Tell the boys Dad trapped a big raccoon the other nights and he fought like crazy. He wished his little trappers had been there. We love the Heaps!

Mary and Ryan said...

I love this! How cute is Jace!!! He looks so studly and confident in that last picture with the ladies(are they twins?)He is one in a million!

Kim said...

I got my computer working kinda:). So good to see all your updates. Love your cute boys at the baseball games, seeing your marathon pics, and everything that your cute fam is up to. Can't wait to be with you in May. Still seems too far away. Love you!

Jer and Cam said...

my personal favorite week at school, love that cute Jace!