Saturday, January 19, 2013

im behind

cuz life is flying by!!
first the whole fam got sick... REAL SICK!!
gman ended up in the hospital with breathing problems and the rest of us had the achey flu like no other... luckly we all had it so laying low was easy
and because the whole world is sick his school got canceled 2 of the 3 days cuz no kids were there so grady and ava got some serouse play dates in.  his all time favorite thing

then the 3rd graders got to sing in teh assembly at school, it was a song about martin luther king, it was fun to see the girls sing there little hearts out and the boys suffer threw it


and lastly i got a HOT DATE with this dude, just the too of us..
i loved every minute of it, reminded me we need to do it more. we ate and saw the movie silver lineing which i loved, i cryed laughed and cryed some more.
oh and yes i went darker i did the umbre to  my hair..


Kelly said...

I'm so glad Grady is better! I'm sorry I wasn't close to watch the other boys, bring u dinner, ice cream n clean the house while u and Grady napped!
Your hair looks beautiful... What a umbre? Dark to light?

Mary and Ryan said...

That picture of Grady is heart breaking, so sorry u guys got so sick, but so glad u are all back to 100! Digging the new hair, love how u are always changing it up and u look good in all the ways! I loved silver linings too, I thought everyone else was way crazier then crazy guy, that song would make me a little nuts too considering:)

Lorie said...

OH MAN!!! I had no idea your fam was sick too!!! Hopefully the both of us are now in the clear for awhile. So sorry about Grady!!! I hate that breathing stuff!!! So looking forward to seeing the hair in person!